AHOP takes part in WHO global virtual conference on communicating science during health emergencies

From 24-25 June AHOP took part in the WHO global conference on communicating science during health emergencies.

Since the beginning of the pandemic, the evidence on COVID-19 and related protective measures are continuously evolving. Changing recommendations and pandemic response measures expose the public to high levels of uncertainty and are hence complicated to convey. Increasing pandemic fatigue and an overabundance of (scientific) information highlight the need for effective, innovative and reliable science communication.

The African Health Observatory – Platform on Health Systems and Policies (AHOP) organised a session together with the Africa Infodemic Response Alliance (AIRA), highlighting the challenges and opportunities in using knowledge platforms in communicating science for decision-making, and present existing initiatives to promote evidence uptake by decision-makers and discuss their transferability to other regions and contexts.

The session also profiled AHOP National Centres from Kenya and Nigeria – providing insights from day-to-day activities and challenges in providing up to date and relevant information to policymakers in both countries.

Follow the closing session of the conference online here.

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