Engagement of the private health sector in the delivery of tertiary health care services in Ethiopia

On 21 March 2024, the African Health Observatory – Platform on Health Systems and Policies (AHOP), in partnership with the Ethiopian Federal Ministry of Health (MoH), and the World Health Organization (WHO) Ethiopia Country Office, hosted a policy dialogue on private health sector engagement in tertiary health care services in Ethiopia.
Designing effective task-shifting programmes to address critical surgical healthcare workforce shortages

The African Health Observatory Platform on Health Systems and Policies (AHOP) and the RCS England-LSE Global Surgery Policy Unit (GSPU) collaborated to organize a cross-cutting policy dialogue on addressing critical shortages in the surgical healthcare workforce through effective task-shifting programmes. The discussion brought together a wide range of stakeholders from Ethiopia, Nigeria, Rwanda, and the United Kingdom, from various sectors including Federal Ministries of Health (FMoH), professional associations, international organizations, academic institutions, AHOP, health facilities, and policy makers.
Optimisation du programme des services de santé communautaire en Éthiopi : stratégies pour relever les défis liés au personnel de santé
Optimizing the Ethiopian Health Extension Programme: strategies to address workforce challenges
Optimizing the Ethiopian Health Extension Program: policy options to address workforce challenges
The Ethiopia National Centre of the African Health Observatory Platform on Health Systems and Polices (AHOP) in collaboration with the Federal Ministry of Health (FMOH) organized and deliberated a policy dialogue on “Optimizing the Ethiopian Health Extension Program: strategies to address workforce challenges”. In the dialogue, participants included representatives from the
FMOH, Regional Health Bureaus (RHB), International Institute of Primary Health Care-Ethiopian (IIPHC) WHO country Office, MOH, Ethiopian Institute of Policy Studies (EIPS), USAID Ethiopia, and Ethiopian Public Health Association (EPHA).